Dan Kirchoff

Angela and her 36 Cats
by Dan Kirchoff

In 2015, my then 9-year-old niece, Angela, told a girlfried’s mom, “If I had 36 cats, that would be equal to a man.” My sister-in-law related the event to us all, and I wrote a little story about it. I called it “Angela and her 36 Cats” and while Angela loved the story, she wanted to know where the drawings were. She had thrown down the gauntlet, and I felt obliged to answer. Below, you’ll find my respose and the illustrated story of Angela and how her cats (well, one in particular) helped her find her prince. While I was unable to get a publisher interested in the project, I did create an exhibit with full-size archival prints, mounted, matted and framed, with the text alongside. It was shown at a number of midcoast Maine libraries and was instrumental in getting me some illustration work. Mission accomplished, Angela.

Book cover with title page.
Once upon a time....
She had one nice female....
Uncle Dan didn’t mean to be trouble....
Angela was a good-natured owner of these cats....
And so it wasn’t a surprise....
So when Angela went to the door....
“Oh, hello, yes it is....”
And so while Ms. Angela loved....
The end!